How do I choose the right credit card for me?

If you’ve decided to get a credit card, it can be a bit overwhelming finding the one that’s most suitable for you. There’s a lot of jargon that can be confusing. The main thing to bear in mind, is that there isn’t necessarily a ‘best option’, just a range or types. Which credit card you decide on depends on your circumstances and the reason you want to use the credit card.

5 min read
credit cards

Ocean Credit Card

  • Up to £1,500 credit limit
  • Quickcheck won't impact your credit rating
  • Check your eligibility in 60 seconds
Check now

39.9% APR
APR Representative (variable)

Intelligent Lending Ltd (credit broker). Capital One is the exclusive lender.

Credit Card Image

Disclaimer: All information and links are correct at the time of publishing.